Safety and Security
Lorenzini Terminal has adopted a thorough and integrated safety and security policy in compliance with OHSAS 45001, ISPS and ISO 9001 Standards.
In conformity with the above-mentioned policy, Lorenzini Terminal has made available adequate and appropriate infrastructures and equipment, has implemented procedures and job-specific instructions for the activities performed therein, and has put into practice a continuous training and information process for the workers’ benefit, aimed at ensuring the health and safety of its employees.
The General Management is furthermore concerned with encouraging the prevention of accidents, industrial injuries and work-related illnesses, and is also committed to amend or eliminate anomalous and/or dangerous working conditions.
The care of Lorenzini exercised in the respect of work safety and security also extends to all the stakeholders accessing security restricted areas (visitors, suppliers, contractors etc.): informative reports on accessing the terminal have been drawn up and, in case of necessity, specific documents are drawn up to outline the measures designed to eliminate or, if this is not possible, minimise risks of interference.
In order to achieve the safety and security objectives, Lorenzini Terminal:
- has provided itself with a structure with well-defined duties and responsibilities
- operates according to work procedures and instructions which are constantly updated in accordance to the terminal evolutions, the mandatory legislation and sector regulations
- carries out an assessment of the risks as defined by the Code of Safety in the workplace (Italian Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent modifications and supplements)
- has provided itself with an emergency plan in every operational area
- continuously trains and updates its personnel through classroom training, on the job training and coordination meetings aimed at correcting improper personnel behaviour
- continuously ensures a constant and scrupulous maintenance of its own fleet and equipment, by planning periodical implementations in accordance with the terminal necessities and technological advancement